OK! Listen Up! This is important!

so that the very first word was Merdre!and that was Very Elegant, Very Intelligent, Very Profane=unnacceptable=repulsive=innovative, but really? Rabelais? What's worthwhile about all this is not nearly its reality, not nearly its actuality, but how it looks from afar. No, that's not right. It's it contextual location, it's niche in the histories, it's re-interpretability. Aw fuck, I'm still not getting it. Maybe it's not important after all. I don't believe in causality. Let it rest. Dead-Horse.

in fact and in facet, we have citations.

1. Fecal Matters in Early Modern Literature and Art

2. Histoire de la Merde

3. A Sociological Hisroty of Excretory Experience: Defacatory Manners and Toiletry Technologye

4. L'homme et l'excretum

5. Excrement in the Late Middle Ages: Sacred Filth and Chaucer's Fecopoetics

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